Sunday, August 12, 2012


     After a year of retirement, I'll be back to school teaching two English classes and one Art class. I'm looking forward to this - I guess I missed being busy.  This a one school year adventure.  School starts tomorrow, Aug. 13, and there was no teacher on board for these three classes, so I was asked last week and I said yes.  So my blog will continue, but along with the garden and knitting, there could be some school stuff.  Go Elks!
     Our garden continues to produce good food for us to eat.  Yesterday we had the first corn on the cob.  Talk about fresh.  We picked it, steamed it, then ate it.  It was the best.  First time corn growers, we were unsure of what we would get, but what ever Master Gardener D. did, watering, feeding, nurturing, worked.  We also have an abundance of tomatoes.  We eat them every day in sandwiches, as side dish for dinner, and just as a snack.  I've made puree and put that in the freezer.  Today I'm going to try making tomato sauce - recipe found through Pinterest.  

We also broke open one of our watermelons - needless to say it was good and juicy.  We continue to be surprised by the success of the garden, and I know that Master Gardener D deserves all the credit. 

I can't get enough of the beautiful flowers in the garden.  D is going to put together a bouquet of flowers to take to school tomorrow for a display in the office.

As usual, the knitting goes on.  I finished the vest for my sister C but was so anxious to send it to her, I forgot to take a photo.  However, it looks very much like the vest in my previous blog.  I think it came out pretty good, and she seems to like it.  Knitting clothing is risky as sometimes a garment will be too big or too small or if you're not paying attention, you'll end up with sleeves that hang down to your knees.  Must be why I knit scarves, hats, and wash cloths the most.

     Since there is no need for scarves for the Special Olympics this year (they have scarves left over from last year), my friend, Jo, and I decided to make scarves for the Red Scarf Project.  The one above was knit with two yarns held together to make a bulky scarf using a variety of red yarns from my stash.  I used size 13 needles and the garter stitch (knit every row).  Jo's scarf will be in the next blog.  Also pictured are my attempts to revise my crocheting skills.  I'm working on it slowly.  I can follow only the basic patterns so far, but I have a couple of good books to help me along.   
     That's it from HOT northern CA - typical August weather.  Thank goodness for air conditioning in house, car, and classroom.  Keep on knitting and crocheting - it's good for you. 

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