Friday, September 23, 2011


     I'm home again after a fun and loving three days with family in LA.  I'm not a seasoned traveler at all, so when I got on the plane in Sacramento, I went for the first window seat available. Here's my view...the wing.  But once I was seated, I wasn't moving.  To fly these days, requires a lot of patience since security is tight and the lines are long.  But it was worth it - and I could handle an hour's flight to LA - Burbank, actually.

     My photos were few, but I did take some at the Getty Museum which had the most beautiful grounds.  I tried to capture the expanse of the city.  No mountains in the background just more big buildings. We had lunch there and then walked our legs off admiring the sculpture and the flowers.  The garden was closed for upkeep, but I was able to get a shot of the shrubbery maze.

And, a picture of my sister, C, and her daughter, D. 

They're beautiful.

     So after fun and eating and drinking wine, I boarded Southwest again for a flight to Sacramento where K picked me up and drove me home.  Security was extra tight this time since someone had made a false threat at the San Francisco airport and the alert went out to other airports.  Had to show my ID three times. 

     Again the wing - leaving LA.  

     Knitting and gardening are still going on.  The ribs with cable on the side scarf is nearly finished and will be going to my sister, C.  D, has requested a pink bear like the one I made for C so that is underway.  The yellow hat is finished, but needs something extra - it's too plain.  So all of these knittings will be in the next blog.

     This is the remains of some of the garden, mostly squash plants as D  is cleaning it out so we can plant a winter garden as soon as plants are available at the nursery in a couple of weeks.  Hard work.  

     The tomatoes and bell peppers are still producing and the pumpkins are ready for Halloween.  We may have to carve one of these Hubbard squash.

    On the lovely side is the white rose bush.  Others will be pink, yellow, and red.  Spring bulbs are in as well as more wild flowers.  More garden photos to come.

     See you in the next blog.  Keep on knitting and crocheting.  GG

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